Lincoln Accounting Group


Along with a pleasant personality and a sharp mind, your lead accountant will be backed by a team with diverse expertise and knowledge. 

The Value of Our Services

An accountant is not meant to just crunch numbers. We’re here along the way to guide you on managing expenses, expansion plans, staffing, and tax compliance. You’ll never feel more clear on decisions than when you have our team providing expertise in a language that’s easy to follow.

Our clients are made to feel more empowered through the coaching-style that we take with all major financial decisions. We give you the tools so that you can understand each strategy implemented, but won’t need to spend the time doing it each year.


Least Boring Accouting Firm of The Year*

3 Times winner | 2012 2013 2016


Products & Solutions

Accounting & Bookkeeping

Ideal for both small and mid-size business. We can work with an existing accountant if you have one on your staff, to provide more guidance from our team of CPAs.

Compliance & Payroll

Both for individuals and businesses, you want to make sure that you’ve crossed every T. Tax filings can be a nightmare, but we’re here to make sure you’ve maximized every tax advantage available.

Business Performance Monitor

When was the last time you reviewed your monthly financials in-depth? Do you have a 2-5 year forecast? Are you keeping enough cash on hand for emergencies and investments? Don’t worry, we’ll keep our eye on the gas tank and keep you posted on the next rest stop.

What Else Could You Need?

If you feel that we could be a great partner for you or your business, book a consultation and we can get the process started right away! Even if you aren’t sure that an accounting professional is a service you need right now, we pride ourselves on being helpful to anyone who reaches out. So ask a question, and let us give you some guidance!

We put client satisfaction above all else, and satisfaction includes enjoying talking to us. We don't want you to dread our meetings, so we bring some fun with the financials.Who said accountants can't have a good time?
Chris Bennett
Dir. of Client Relationships