Lincoln Accounting Group

Accounting Experts
Devoted to helping
improve your
financial health.

The right financial tools and solutions can help you feel more in control and knowledgeable than ever before.

Accounting In Your company

As a small business owner, your focus needs to be on the operation, and the vision for long-term growth. Allow us to serve as your CFO, developing monthly, quarterly, and annual reports so that you have insight into one of the key elements of any organization. 


An accountant is not meant to just crunch numbers. We’re here along the way to guide you on managing expenses, expansion plans, staffing, and tax compliance. You’ll never feel more clear on decisions than when you have our team providing expertise in a language that’s easy to follow.

Accounting for Personal Finance

Whether you are an independent contractor, a salesperson moving up the ladder, or a high net-worth individual, we can provide the services tailored to your needs. You can rest assured that the worst time of the year, tax season, will be hassle free when we take the burden off your plate, potentially saving you money as well! 

Trying to decide about retirement? Need help with estate planning? Looking for advice on debt consolidation? It’s all just another day in the life with Lincoln Accounting Group. Bring us the laundry list of everything financial causing you stress, and we’re happy to get it organized and give you a clear plan. Not only do we map out a strategy, we make sure you know exactly why each option is best for you. 


Least Boring Accouting Firm of The Year*

3 Time winner | 2012 2013 2016


Request your free quote

We offer various pricing plans to fit your needs. Give us a little information, and we can determine what makes the most sense within your budget.

What we offer :

Our Services

These are the most common needs for our clients, but don’t worry if you require additional services. We don’t want anyone to feel overwhelmed, so we started with just a few of our special skills.

Ideal for both small and mid-sized businesses. We can work with an existing accountant if you have one on your staff, to provide more guidance from our team of CPAs.

Both for individuals and businesses, you want to make sure that you've crossed every T. Tax filings can be a nightmare, but we're here to make sure you've maximized every tax advantage available.

When was the last time you reviewed your monthly financials in-depth? Do you have a 2-5 year forecast? Are you keeping enough cash on hand for emergencies and investments? Don't worry, we'll keep our eye on the gas tank and keep you posted on the next rest stop.

Our Promise


Your money should have your input. We make sure you are learning more as we go. Soon, you may start to feel like an accountant yourself!


There shouldn’t be a mystery surrounding accounting. Whether its your business or your personal finance, you’ll know every move we make before we make it.


Our team consults specialists for any in-depth advice. Whether it’s taxes, legal, investments, or business operations, we make sure to get input from the best in all areas.


The mission for all of our clients is that each year is better than the last. We want to help you achieve your goals, or even create them if you aren’t sure where to start.